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Shopping Policy

At Headlee Green, we are committed to providing a seamless and convenient shopping experience for our valued customers. To facilitate this, we offer an online order pickup service. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for customers who choose to purchase items online and collect them in-store.

1. Online Order Placement:

Customers can place orders for our products through our website. Orders will be processed and available for pickup, after a minimum period of 48 hours. At which time you will then be contacted by our customer service staff that it is ready. This allows us time to pick, assemble, and quality check your order prior to your arrival for pickup.

2. Order Confirmation:

Upon successful completion of an online purchase, customers will receive an order confirmation via email, which will include the order number, a list of purchased items, and the total cost. This email should be printed or saved and brought into the store to be displayed when picking up your items.

3. Pickup Location and Hours:

Customers can pick up their online orders at our designated pickup location during regular business hours. Specific pickup details and operating hours will be communicated to customers in the email order confirmation.

4. Order Pickup Timing:

Customers are encouraged to pick up their orders within 36 hours after being contacted by customer service that it is ready. Orders will be held at the pickup location for a period of 3-5 calendar days from the date of order fulfillment. It is the responsibility of the customer to collect their order within this timeframe unless other arrangements are made.

5. Valid Identification:

To ensure the security of online order pickups, customers must present a valid photo ID and the order confirmation email at the pickup location. The name on the ID must match the name on the order unless alternate arrangements have been made through our customer service department.

6. Authorized Pickup by a Third Party:

Customers who are unable to collect their orders in person may authorize a third party to pick up the order on their behalf. This authorization should be made via email from the purchaser to support@headleegreen.com ahead of time before the pickup. Otherwise, the purchaser may be contacted by our team to confirm the pickup when it occurs.

7. Delivery Arrangements:

Delivery arrangements can be made for your online order by contacting our customer service department. Please have your order number available to speed up the process.

8. Extended Hold Period:

In exceptional cases, customers may request an extension of the order hold period. These requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and approval is subject to storage space availability and product shelf life. Customers should contact our customer service team for assistance with such requests.

9. Modification or Cancellation of Orders:

Customers can modify or cancel their online orders through our customer service department within 12 business hours of purchase by contacting our customer service team. After this time, changes may not be possible, depending on the order’s status.

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