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Reduces risk of Heart attack and Stroke

According to a Dutch study that was released a few years ago, those who drank two to three cups of black tea a day were 70% less likely to die from a heart attack than people who did not. This is mostly because drinking tea keeps the arteries free, which helps to remove blood clots caused by cholesterol that may cause heart attacks and strokes. According to a different study, those who drank at least three cups of tea daily had a 21% lower risk of stroke than those who drank less than one cup of black or green tea daily.

Reduces risk of Diabetes

In one research, individuals who had been drinking 1-2 cups of tea a day for a long time had a 70% decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study included a group of older adults.

Helps in curing Cancer

Although there has long been conjecture over the potential of tea, both black and green, to cure cancer, new research has shed a great deal of light on the topic. Various research on various topics have reached similar or identical findings. Green tea extracts have been shown in one research to inhibit the development of bladder cancer cells, while another study found that drinking green tea deters stomach and throat tumours. A substance called TF-2, which is present in black tea, causes apoptosis, or the programmed death of cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Compared to women who do not drink tea, those who have been drinking black tea on a regular basis will be less likely to get ovarian cancer.

Helps in curing Flu

Findings from a study done on a group of people of all age groups showed that people who gargled with a black tea extract solution twice per day showed a higher immunity to flu virus compared to the people who did not gargle with black tea and used regular methods.

Good for dental care

Drinking tea without sweeteners may prove to be a beneficial addition to one's daily dental care regimen because the fluoride and tannins in tea can prevent plaque from forming and speed up the growth of bacteria that cause cavities and tooth decay as well. More than 300 different types of bacteria may be found in dental plaque, which sticks to tooth surfaces and produces acid that causes cavities. Another major contributor to gum disease is plaque. Black tea's polyphenols not only destroy the germs that cause cavities but also prevent the development of the bacterial enzymes that create the sticky substance that adheres plaque to our teeth. Black tea contains catechin antioxidants, which also lower the risk of mouth cancer in smokers and other tobacco users. By eliminating the bacteria that produces bad breath in the oral cavity, fluoride also aids in the battle against foul breath. One may consume around 1.5 mg of fluoride by drinking two cups of tea each day. To combat bad breath, brew some mild tea using discarded tea bags to gargle with.


According to a different research, older women who regularly drank tea had a greater bone mineral density in their spines and were around 60% less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

Helps in High blood pressure

The fact that tea provides yet another health benefit—blood pressure control—will surprise and delight tea enthusiasts. In one of the most recent investigations, a group study revealed that those who regularly drank at least half a cup of oolong or green tea had a more than half lower risk of high blood pressure. Even after accounting for variables like excessive salt consumption, which is a risk factor for high blood pressure, those who consumed more than 2.5 cups per day had even lower odds.


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