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Black tea benefits hair because of its high antioxidant content and caffeine level. Including black tea in one's normal hair care regimen would enhance the overall quality by reducing the likelihood of damage to the hair. Below are some of the many advantages of black tea for hair:
Anti hair fall
One of the primary causes of hair loss, DHT (dihydrotestosterone), is a hormone that is reduced in the scalp by caffeine, which is especially present in black tea. In this manner, damage is avoided and the hair grows stronger and thicker.
Hair growth
Although caffeine has long been recognized as a hair growth stimulant, excessive use of the drug may be detrimental. It might be beneficial for hair development to rinse it with black tea once a month.
Natural hair colour and Shine
Because black tea has a naturally darker tint, adding it to one's hair care routine not only encourages hair growth but also enhances its lustre and colour. Six cups of boiling water should be mixed with 5–6 grams of black tea (enough for roughly 3 cups of brewed tea), and the mixture should be allowed to sit at room temperature for about an hour. After applying this combination to one's hair, the head should be wrapped for an hour or more, and then thoroughly rinsed.
Black tea is very good for your complexion, hair, and wellbeing, as seen by the many benefits listed. However, like everything else, too much of anything may be bad, therefore it's best to drink black tea sparingly since too much of it can lead to negative side effects including acidity, palpitations, sleeplessness, varicose veins, and digestive issues
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