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Contains antioxidants
Tea contains antioxidants that protect humans from the effects of aging and pollution, which are distinct from those found in fruits and vegetables. Tea contains a particular kind of antioxidant called polyphenol, which helps prevent DNA damage linked to tobacco smoking and other related hazardous usage. By reducing intestinal inflammation, one of the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome, polyphenols also help people with this condition.
Less caffeine than Coffee
Tea has around 70% less caffeine than coffee, but it's still suggested to consume it in moderation. This is in contrast to coffee, which may cause indigestion and disrupt sleep from excessive use.
More energy
Historically, caffeine has been thought to act as a catalyst to raise energy levels. However, black tea's caffeine has an extra benefit since it includes a substance called "theophylline," which stimulates the heart, kidneys, and respiratory system. For this reason, the caffeine in black tea has a more stimulating impact than the caffeine in coffee and cola beverages.
Rich health compounds
Numerous studies have shown that individuals who drink tea and subsequently absorb these rich flavonoids—quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin—had a lower chance of suffering a major heart attack.
Good for bones
There are many healthy phytochemicals in tea. Even after accounting for things like smoking, body weight, age, and a few other risk factors, A research that compared tea users who had been drinking tea for over ten years to non-tea drinkers discovered that the tea drinkers had greater bone health and condition.
Keeps you hydrated
The old school of thinking vs the new school. Because caffeine is a diuretic, it causes increased urination, which is why it was thought to decrease rather than increase our fluid needs. However, recent studies have shown that tea and other caffeinated beverages can, in fact, increase our daily fluid requirements. But consuming too much (more than 5–6 cups) of any caffeinated beverage at once won't increase fluid intake; rather, it might lead to issues.
Calorie free
Tea is completely calorie-free, and previous research has shown that it may lead to weight reduction of around one pound per week, even if one consumes 250 less calories per day.
Improves immune system
In a study conducted on participants who drank an average of four to five cups of tea or coffee every day for four weeks, researchers found that the blood of tea users had stronger immune system activation. Alkylamine antigens found in black tea strengthen our immune system. Furthermore, it includes tannins that may combat viruses, protecting us against typical viruses that we encounter in our daily lives, such as stomach flu, hepatitis, and influenza. Three to four cups of black tea a day would aid in reducing inflammation and eliminating harmful bacteria. One kind of tannin that aids in tumour restraint is catechins.
Helps in maintaining cholesterol
Although there are many reasons why physicians prescribe green tea these days, decreasing cholesterol levels—both LDL and total blood cholesterol—is one of the primary ones. According to the majority of research, five cups per day should be sufficient, although other studies have also shown that higher consumption patterns result in corresponding decreases in cholesterol. Since black tea and green tea are produced using the same ingredients but different manufacturing processes, black tea also has comparable qualities.
Whether it manifests as arthritis or simply as swelling after a knock on the head, inflammation is a typical issue that everyone encounters over their lifetime. Tea has active ingredients that may help reduce inflammatory responses.
Eliminates free radicals
The body produces free radicals, which are toxic chemicals that are eliminated by antioxidants. These free radicals are a normal consequence of the damage that pollution and aging do to the body. Due to their extreme instability, free radicals often react negatively with other essential molecules, such as DNA, causing serious cellular failure and damage. If these free radicals' impacts are not eliminated, they may pave the path for the emergence of heart disease and other illnesses. The body's free radicals may harm cells in a number of ways, including atherosclerosis, cancer, and blood clots. Free radicals are more prevalent in your body when you eat unhealthy foods. Black tea's antioxidants help the body fight off illnesses like Alzheimer's and heart disease by eliminating these dangerous free radicals. A suitable option for this activity is black tea with lemon.
A complete health booster
Tea consumption is associated with improved health outcomes, which supports the notion that tea consumers are generally healthier. There are many varieties, mixes, styles, regions of origin, and more to sample, much like wine or coffee. There is undoubtedly a tea to fit every taste and inclination.
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